Last Updated: May 12, 2024

Phrasal Verbs Course in Syrian & Modern Standard Arabic Side By Side

Get full access to 6 hours of video Arabic lessons and start learning Syrian Arabic اللهجة السورية compared to the Modern Standard Arabic الفصحى

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Course Details

Course Description

In this course, you will have the opportunity to learn and compare the usage of phrasal verbs in both Syrian and Modern Standard Arabic.

Through engaging lessons, you will become familiar with the meanings and usages of the most commonly used phrasal verbs in both dialects.

The course is designed to reinforce your learning and build your confidence in using these phrasal verbs in real-life situations.

By experiencing the context in which these phrasal verbs are used, you will understand their nuances and be able to utilize them effectively.

Throughout the course, you will also develop your speaking and listening skills in both Syrian and Modern Standard Arabic, enabling you to communicate more effectively with Arabic speakers from different regions.

By the end of the course, you will have a solid foundation in both Syrian and Modern Standard Arabic phrasal verbs.

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What you'll learn

  • By the end of this course, you will be able to learn:

    1. The meanings and usage of common Syrian Arabic phrasal verbs
    2. The context in which Syrian Arabic phrasal verbs are used
    3. How to use Syrian Arabic phrasal verbs in their own conversations
    4. Real-life examples of Syrian Arabic phrasal verbs in action
    5. Strategies for practicing and mastering Syrian Arabic phrasal verbs
    6. Vocabulary and grammar related to Syrian Arabic phrasal verbs
    7. Cultural context and idiomatic expressions related to Syrian Arabic phrasal verbs
    8. The differences between Syrian Arabic phrasal verbs and their standard Arabic equivalents
    9. How to apply Syrian Arabic phrasal verbs in different tenses and grammatical structures.

Course Contents

Learn The phrasal verb “To Boast about” يتفاخر بــ in Modern Standard Arabic and Syrian dialect
Learn The phrasal verb “To Be worried about” يقلق على in Modern Standard Arabic and Syrian dialect
Learn The phrasal verb “To Belong to” ينتمي إلى in Modern Standard Arabic and Syrian dialect
Learn The phrasal verb “To Blame SO for ST” يلوم على in Modern Standard Arabic and Syrian dialect
Learn The phrasal verb “To Charge SO for ST” يحاسب على in Modern Standard Arabic and Syrian dialect
Learn The phrasal verb “To Blame ST on SO” يلقي باللائمة على in Modern Standard Arabic and Syrian dialect
Learn The phrasal verb “To Beg for” يتوسل لــ in Modern Standard Arabic and Syrian dialect
Learn The phrasal verb “To Comment on” يعلق على in Modern Standard Arabic and Syrian dialect
Learn The phrasal verb “To Borrow ST from SO” يقترض من in Modern Standard Arabic and Syrian dialect
Learn The phrasal verb “To Catch up with” يلحق بــ in Modern Standard Arabic and Syrian dialect

Learn The phrasal verb “To wait for” ينتظر in Modern Standard Arabic and Syrian dialect
Learn The phrasal verb “To vote for” يصوت لـ in Modern Standard Arabic and Syrian dialect
Learn The phrasal verb “To Care about” يهتم بــ in Modern Standard Arabic and Syrian dialect
Learn The phrasal verb “To Be terrified of” يرتعد من in Modern Standard Arabic and Syrian dialect
Learn The phrasal verb “To Choose between SO/ST and SO/ST” يختار من in Modern Standard Arabic and Syrian dialect
Learn The phrasal verb “To Be tired of” (doing something) يسأم من in Modern Standard Arabic and Syrian dialect
Learn The phrasal verb “To Come from” يأتي من in Modern Standard Arabic and Syrian dialect
Learn The phrasal verb “To Choose ST from ST” يختار من بين in Modern Standard Arabic and Syrian dialect
Learn The phrasal verb “To Be satisfied with” يرضى عن in Modern Standard Arabic and Syrian dialect
Learn The phrasal verb “To Believe in يؤمن بــ in Modern Standard Arabic and Syrian dialect

Learn The phrasal verb “To Be responsible for” يكون مسئولا عن in Modern Standard Arabic and Syrian dialect
Learn The phrasal verb “To Be scared of” يخاف من in Modern Standard Arabic and Syrian dialect
Learn The phrasal verb “To Benefit from” يستفيد من in Modern Standard Arabic and Syrian dialect
Learn The phrasal verb “To Communicate with SO” يتصل بــ in Modern Standard Arabic and Syrian dialect
Learn The phrasal verb “To Be thankful for”. يشكر لـ in Modern Standard Arabic and Syrian dialect

Learn The phrasal verb “To Begin with” يبدأ بــ in Modern Standard Arabic and Syrian dialect
Learn The phrasal verb “To Cater to” يلبي حاجة in Modern Standard Arabic and Syrian dialect
Learn The phrasal verb “To Care for” يرعى in Modern Standard Arabic and Syrian dialect
Learn The phrasal verb “To Be tired from (doing something) ” يتعب من in Modern Standard Arabic and Syrian dialect
Learn The phrasal verb “To Compare SO/ST to SO/ST” يقارن بــ in Modern Standard Arabic and Syrian dialect
Learn The phrasal verb “To Charge SO with ST” يتهم بــ in Modern Standard Arabic and Syrian dialect
Learn The phrasal verb “To Collide with” يصطدم بــ in Modern Standard Arabic and Syrian dialect

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Samah Gdyel
Hello everyone, I'm Samah, an experienced Arabic teacher from Syria, currently teaching at Aralingo LLC. I've had the pleasure of helping many students learn the Arabic language, with a particular focus on the Syrian dialect. Teaching is a passion of mine, and I strongly believe that it has the power to elevate the mind and energize the character. I'm really excited to have you join me in my Syrian dialect courses, and I can't wait to share my knowledge and experience with you!