Last Updated: Jun 18, 2024

Mastering Nominative Case Ending in Arabic Language Level (04)

Learn Arabic nominative case ending including: The Substitution البَدَل and their typical syntax and The Emphasis التَّوْكِيد and their typical syntax.

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Course Description

Welcome to “Mastering Nominative Case – Part 4,” an advanced Arabic grammar course designed to elevate your language skills. Led by the expert instructor Haytham, this course comprises two modules that delve into the complexities of substitution (البَدَل) and emphasis (التَّوْكِيد) in Arabic grammar.

In Module 1, explore the nuanced world of substitution, covering four types: complete substitution, substituting a part for the whole, substituting content for the container, and varying substitution. Delve into the typical syntax analysis (الإعْرَاب) for each type, mastering the art of substitution in various grammatical contexts.

Transition to Module 2, where emphasis takes center stage as one of the four grammatical followers (التَّوابع) in Arabic. Unravel the intricacies of verbal and meaning emphasis, and gain proficiency in syntax analysis for singular, dual, and plural forms. Haytham guides you through the linguistic journey, providing real-life examples to enhance your understanding.

Enroll now to refine your command over advanced Arabic grammar, unraveling the subtleties of substitution and emphasis in the nominative case.

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What Will I Learn?

  • Here is what what you will learn:

    Master the four types of substitution (البَدَل) in Arabic grammar, including complete substitution, substituting a part for the whole, substituting content for the container, and varying substitution.

    Develop a deep understanding of the typical syntax analysis (الإعْرَاب) for each type of substitution, ensuring proficiency in applying these structures within sentences.

    Explore the intricacies of emphasis (التَّوْكِيد) as one of the four grammatical followers (التَّوابع) in Arabic.

    Differentiate between verbal and meaning emphasis and learn how to perform syntax analysis for each form in singular, dual, and plural contexts.

    Enhance your ability to emphasize ideas effectively within Arabic sentences through practical exercises and real-world examples.

    Apply learned concepts to analyze and construct sentences, solidifying your grasp of advanced Arabic grammar.

    Elevate your language proficiency, gaining confidence in navigating substitution and emphasis in the nominative case with expert guidance from Haytham.

Course Contents

Get introduced to the types of substitution and learn the 1st type of Substitution; the complete substitution — بَدَل الْكُلِّ مِنَ الكُلِّ (also it is called البَدَلُ المُطَابِق — The corresponding apposition)
Learn the second type of substitution — Substituting a part for the whole بَدَلُ الْبَعْضِ مِنَ الْكُلِّ
Learn the third type of substitution البَدَل — Substituting content for the container بَدَلُ الاشْتِمَالِ
Learn the forth type of substitution البَدَل — The varying substitution البَدَلُ المُغَايرِ
Learn how to do the typical syntax analysis الإعْرَاب of complete substitution بَدَلُ الكُلّ منَ الكُلّ (also it is called البَدَلُ المُطَابِق)
Learn how to do the typical syntax analysis الإعْرَاب of Substituting a part for the whole بَدَل البَعْض مِن الكُل
Learn how to do the typical syntax analysis الإعْرَاب of substituting content for the container بَدَلُ الاشْتِمَال
Learn how to do the typical syntax analysis الإعْرَاب of substitution of the “appearance” بَدَلُ البَدَاءِ
Learn how to do the typical syntax analysis الإعْرَاب of substitution of the “mistake” بَدَل الغَلَط
Learn how to do the typical syntax analysis الإعْرَاب of substitution of “forgetting”بَدَلُ النِّسْيَان

Introducing the emphasis التَّوْكِيد as one of the 4 grammatical followers التَّوابع in Arabic and learning the verbal emphasis التوكيدُ اللّفظـيّ is formed
Learning the emphasis by meaning التوكيدُ المَعْنَويّ
Learn how to do the typical syntax analysis الإعْرَاب of verbal emphasis التَّوكيد اللّفظـيّ when it is singular مُفْرَد
Learn how to do the typical syntax analysis الإعْرَاب of verbal emphasis التَّوكيد اللّفظـيّ when it is dual مُثنـى with examples
Learn how to do the typical syntax analysis الإعْرَاب of verbal emphasis التَّوكيد اللّفظـيّ when it is masculine and feminine sound plurals with examples
Learn how to do the typical syntax analysis الإعْرَاب of the emphasis by meaning التَّوكِيد المعنويّ when it is singular مُفْرَد with examples
Learn how to do the typical syntax analysis الإعْرَاب of the emphasis by meaning التَّوكِيد المعنويّ when it is dual مُثنـى with examples
Learn how to do the typical syntax analysis الإعْرَاب of the emphasis by meaning التَّوكِيد المعنويّ when it is masculine and feminine sound plurals with examples

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Haytham Ibrahim
Meet Haytham Ibrahim, Ph.D., a renowned expert in TAFL (Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language) and an accomplished entrepreneur. You may have already heard of him if you're interested in learning Arabic. Haytham is the mastermind behind the Real Arabic courses, which have already attracted over 50,000 students. He's also the founder of Aralingo LLC, among other thriving businesses. Join the many students who have benefited from Haytham's expertise and experience in the world of Arabic language learning.