Last Updated: May 12, 2024

Arabic Phrase Wizard: Mastering Everyday Conversations in Modern Standard Arabic

Discover the Magic of Arabic Phrases and Speak Confidently in Modern Standard Arabic with the Arabic Phrase Wizard.

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Course Description

Welcome to the Arabic Phrases Online Course, where you’ll embark on a fascinating journey to master everyday conversations in Modern Standard Arabic.

This course, led by renowned instructor Nagham Orm, will empower you with the essential phrases and word analysis skills to confidently navigate various situations in Arabic-speaking environments.

In this course, you’ll unlock the magic of Arabic phrases through immersive learning experiences and practical exercises.

Starting with foundational phrases, you’ll delve into the intricacies of Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) and gain a deeper understanding of word analysis.

Each lesson is carefully crafted to provide a step-by-step approach to mastering Arabic phrases, ensuring that you progress with confidence.

Nagham Orm, your expert instructor, brings years of experience in teaching Arabic to learners of all levels.

Her engaging teaching style and expertise in Arabic linguistics will guide you through the intricacies of the language, providing invaluable cultural and linguistic insights along the way.

Enroll now and embark on an exciting journey to become a master of Arabic phrases with the Arabic Phrase Wizard!

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What Will I Learn?

  • By the end of this course, you will learn:

    Master Word Analysis: Gain a profound understanding of word structures within everyday phrases in Modern Standard Arabic.

    Navigate Daily Conversations: Acquire the skills to confidently engage in a variety of everyday situations, from expressing caution to seeking translations.

    Build a Strong Foundation: Lay the groundwork for further Arabic language learning, ensuring a solid base for advanced studies.

    Communicate Effectively: Enhance your ability to express ideas, preferences, and inquiries in a clear and culturally appropriate manner.

    Receive Personalized Guidance: Benefit from Nagham Orm’s expertise, providing insights and tips for effective language acquisition.

    Boost Confidence: Develop the confidence to communicate in Arabic, whether it’s in casual interactions or more formal settings.

Course Contents

MSA. Learn word analysis in the phrase: Be careful. كن حذرًا.
MSA. Learn word analysis in the phrase: Be careful driving. كن حذرًا عند القيادة.
MSA. Learn word analysis in the phrase: Can you translate this for me? هل يمكنك ترجمة هذا لي؟
MSA. Learn word analysis in the phrase: Chicago is very different from Boston. شيكاغو مختلفة جدًّا عن بوسطن.
MSA. Learn word analysis in the phrase: Don't worry. لا تقلق.

MSA. Learn word analysis in the phrase: Everyone knows it. الجميع يعرف ذلك.
MSA. Learn word analysis in the phrase: Everything is ready. كل شيء جاهز.
MSA. Learn word analysis in the phrase: Excellent. ممتاز.
MSA. Learn word analysis in the phrase: From time to time. من وقت لآخر.
MSA. Learn word analysis in the phrase: Good idea. فكرة جيدة.

MSA. Learn word analysis in the phrase: He likes it very much. إنه يحب ذلك كثيرا.
MSA. Learn word analysis in the phrase: Help! ساعدني من فضلك!
MSA. Learn word analysis in the phrase: He's coming soon. إنه قادم قريبا.
MSA. Learn word analysis in the phrase: He's right. إنه على حق.
MSA. Learn word analysis in the phrase: He's very annoying. إنه مزعج للغاية.

MSA. Learn word analysis in the phrase: He's very famous. إنه مشهور جدا.
MSA. Learn word analysis in the phrase: How are you? كيف حالك؟
MSA. Learn word analysis in the phrase: How's work going? كيف يجري العمل؟
MSA. Learn word analysis in the phrase: Hurry! أسرع!
MSA. Learn word analysis in the phrase: I ate already. لقد أكلت بالفعل.

MSA. Learn word analysis in the phrase: I can't hear you. لا أستطيع أن أسمعك.
MSA. Learn word analysis in the phrase: I'd like to go for a walk. أود الذهاب في نزهة مشيًا.
MSA. Learn word analysis in the phrase: I don't know how to use it. لا أعرف كيف أستخدمه.
MSA. Learn word analysis in the phrase: I don't like him. أنا لا أحبه.
MSA. Learn word analysis in the phrase: I don't like it. أنا لا أحب ذلك.

MSA. Learn word analysis in the phrase: I don't speak very well. أنا لا أتحدث جيداً.
MSA. Learn word analysis in the phrase: I don't understand. لا أفهم.
MSA. Learn word analysis in the phrase: I don't want it. لا أريدها.
MSA. Learn word analysis in the phrase: I don't want that. لا أريد ذلك.
MSA. Learn word analysis in the phrase: I don't want to bother you. لا أريد أن أزعجك.

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  • 50+ Students Enrolled
  • Plain English
Nagham Orm
Meet Nagham, an expert Arabic instructor at Aralingo LLC, who has helped countless students learn Arabic language with proficiency. With her specialization in Lebanese dialect and Modern Standard Arabic, Nagham can guide you to speak like a native speaker. Her courses are designed to cater to the needs of students of all levels, from beginners to advanced learners.