Last Updated: May 5, 2024

Egyptian Arabic Course: A Quick and Easy Crash Course

Full access to 4+ hours of video and audio Arabic lessons to discover the secrets of effortless conversational Egyptian Arabic.

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Course Description

Egyptian Arabic course online: Discover the Richness of Egyptian Arabic in a Short, Engaging Course!

Do you want to expand your knowledge of Arabic and improve your communication skills? Do you have an interest in the culture and history of Egypt? If so, our Egyptian Arabic crash course is perfect for you!

Designed specifically for English speakers, this comprehensive course covers the fundamentals of the Egyptian dialect, one of the most widely-spoken and recognizable Arabic dialects in the world.

From common greetings and everyday expressions to more advanced grammar structures, you will learn the essential elements of Egyptian Arabic and be able to communicate with confidence.

Our experienced native-speaking instructor Amira will guide you through each lesson, providing you with a solid foundation in the language and helping you to build your vocabulary.

Whether you’re planning a trip to Egypt, or simply interested in learning a new language, this crash course is the perfect way to get started. Get ready to boost your confidence and improve your Arabic skills – enroll today!

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What Will I Learn?

  • In this comprehensive crash course taught by our instructor Amira, you will learn:

    1. The basics of the Egyptian dialect, including pronunciation, common expressions, and slang words.
    2. How to confidently communicate with native Egyptian speakers in real-life situations, such as shopping, eating out, and socializing.
    3. Insights into the cultural and historical background of Egypt, and how this influences the use of the dialect.
    4. Essential vocabulary and grammar structures specific to the Egyptian dialect.
    5. Real-life scenarios to reinforce your learning and build your confidence in speaking the dialect.
      By the end of this course, you will have a solid foundation in the Egyptian dialect, and the ability to communicate effectively and naturally with Egyptians. So why wait? Start your journey to fluency today!

Course Contents

Modern Standard Arabic and Egyptian dialect and learn how to say: “Last week” "الأسبوع الماضي" explained with examples.
Modern Standard Arabic and Egyptian dialect and learn how to say: “Weekend” "عطلة نهاية الاسبوع" explained with examples.
Modern Standard Arabic and Egyptian dialect and learn how to say: “Next month” "الشهر القادم" explained with examples.
Modern Standard Arabic and Egyptian dialect and learn how to say: “This month” "هذا الشهر" explained with examples.
Modern Standard Arabic and Egyptian dialect and learn how to say: “Last month” "الشهر الماضي" explained with examples.
Modern Standard Arabic and Egyptian dialect and learn how to say: “This year” "هذا العام" explained with examples.
Modern Standard Arabic and Egyptian dialect and learn how to say: “Next year” "العام القادم" explained with examples.
Modern Standard Arabic and Egyptian dialect and learn how to say: “Last year” "العام الماضي" explained with examples.
Modern Standard Arabic and Egyptian dialect and learn how to say: “Happy Anniversary” "ذكرى سنوية سعيدة" explained with examples.
Modern Standard Arabic and Egyptian dialect and learn how to say: “Happy new year” "سنة جديدة سعيدة" explained with examples.
Modern Standard Arabic and Egyptian dialect and learn how to say: “Is there a toilet here?” "هل يوجد مرحاض هنا؟" explained with examples.
Modern Standard Arabic and Egyptian dialect and learn how to say: “Is there a men’s toilet here?” "هل يوجد مرحاض للرجال هنا؟" explained with examples.
Modern Standard Arabic and Egyptian dialect and learn how to say: “Is there a women’s toilet here?” "هل يوجد هنا مرحاض للنساء؟" explained with examples.
Modern Standard Arabic and Egyptian dialect and learn how to say: “Where is the toilet, please?” "أين دورة المياه من فضلك؟" explained with examples.
Modern Standard Arabic and Egyptian dialect and learn how to say: “Is there a nearby public toilet?” "هل يوجد مرحاض عام قريب؟" explained with examples.
Modern Standard Arabic and Egyptian dialect and learn how to say: “I need to go to the toilet” "أنا بحاجة للذهاب إلى المرحاض" explained with examples.

Modern Standard Arabic and Egyptian dialect and learn how to say: “To the airport, please” "إلى المطار من فضلك" explained with examples.
Modern Standard Arabic and Egyptian dialect and learn how to say: “How long does it take to reach the airport?” "كم من الوقت يستغرق للوصول إلى المطار؟" explained with examples.
Modern Standard Arabic and Egyptian dialect and learn how to say: “Please meet me at the airport” "من فضلك قابلني في المطار" explained with examples.
Modern Standard Arabic and Egyptian dialect and learn how to say: “I will be at the airport” "سأكون في المطار" explained with examples.
Modern Standard Arabic and Egyptian dialect and learn how to say: “Will you come to pick me from the airport?” "هل ستأتي لاصطحابي من المطار؟" explained with examples.
Modern Standard Arabic and Egyptian dialect and learn how to say: “I will pick you up from the airport” "سأقلك من المطار" explained with examples.
Modern Standard Arabic and Egyptian dialect and learn how to say: “I will call you from the airport” "سأتصل بك من المطار" explained with examples.
Modern Standard Arabic and Egyptian dialect and learn how to say: “where is the airport?” "أين هو المطار؟" explained with examples.
Modern Standard Arabic and Egyptian dialect and learn how to say: “Is there an international airport?” "هل يوجد مطار دولي؟" explained with examples.
Modern Standard Arabic and Egyptian dialect and learn how to say: “I need taxi” "أحتاج سيارة أجرة" explained with examples.

Modern Standard Arabic and Egyptian dialect and learn how to say: “Please call a taxi for me” "يرجى الاتصال بسيارة أجرة من أجلي" explained with examples.
Modern Standard Arabic and Egyptian dialect and learn how to say: “I want to go by taxi” "أريد أن أذهب بسيارة أجرة" explained with examples.
Modern Standard Arabic and Egyptian dialect and learn how to say: “Where can I find a taxi?” "أين يمكنني أن أجد سيارة أجرة؟" explained with examples.
Modern Standard Arabic and Egyptian dialect and learn how to say: “Are taxis expensive here?” "هل سيارات الأجرة باهظة الثمن هنا؟" explained with examples.
Modern Standard Arabic and Egyptian dialect and learn how to say: “Please call me when the taxi is here” "الرجاء الاتصال بي عندما تكون سيارة الأجرة هنا" explained with examples.
Modern Standard Arabic and Egyptian dialect and learn how to say: “Is there a nearby bust stop?” "هل هناك محطة قريبة؟" explained with examples.
Modern Standard Arabic and Egyptian dialect and learn how to say: “Where is the bus station?” "أين محطة الحافلات؟" explained with examples.
Modern Standard Arabic and Egyptian dialect and learn how to say: “How can I get to the bus station?” "كيف يمكنني الوصول إلى محطة الحافلات؟" explained with examples.
Modern Standard Arabic and Egyptian dialect and learn how to say: “What is the bus fare?” "ما هي أجرة الحافلة؟" explained with examples.

Lesson 01 audio ⌵ Download ⌵
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  • 4+ Hours of FHD Video
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  • 24/7 Student Support
  • 400+ Students Enrolled
  • Plain English
Amira Ahmad
Introducing Amira, an accomplished Arabic teacher from Egypt who brings a wealth of experience and expertise to the table. With her exceptional skills and passion for teaching, Amira has been helping English speakers master Egyptian Arabic for several years. Join Amira on this exciting journey and let her guide you every step of the way towards your language goals.